Rules and Scoring

The Formal Rules of The Quest

Qualification for Entry

There are two classes of competing entry, though all Teams complete in exactly the same event:

  • Junior Teams: (Generally Scouts and Guides)

      • Junior Teams must be made up entirely of young people who are presently either Scouts or Guides (i.e. not Explorers).

      • On the day of the event:

      • All Team members must be less than 14 yrs 6 months.

      • And the average age of the Team must be less than 13 yrs 6 months

  • Senior Teams: (Generally Younger Explorers)

      • Senior Teams may be a mix of Scouts, Guides and younger Explorers

      • On the day of the event:

      • The oldest age of any Team member must be less than 16 yrs.

  • Non-Competing Teams

      • For non-competing Teams there are no age or Team size restrictions.

      • For mixed teams of those made up of younger scouts who want to take part to build their experience or navigation skills.

  • Team Sizes and Shadowing

      • All Teams must be accompanied by an adult shadow.

      • All competing Teams must be a minimum of 4 and maximum of 6 walkers.

      • Junior Teams left with only three members due to other members retiring may continue only at the discretion of the Shadow and Event Controller.

      • The organisers may permit other numbers to start and/or continue only after discussion with the Event Controller.

  • Event Capacity and Payment

      • Due to the structure of the event, there is a limit the number of participating Teams to a maximum of 64.

      • Applications will be treated on a first-come first-served basis

      • The fee for each entry of £45 per Team

      • Payment details are on the entry form.

Scoring The Quest

  • Basics of the Course:

      • The Quest tests a unique combination of navigation, physical and mental tasks and team work.

      • Walkers must navigate a cross-country course to find Incident Bases where they must complete a task.

      • Upon completion of the task, Teams will collect a clue to aid in the completion of a final task back at the Finish HQ.

  • Point Scoring:

      • The objective of The Quest is to score the most points. Points are scored as follows:

      • By demonstrating that Teams and individuals are properly equipped at Kit Check.

      • Through their Team's performances at the Bases - including team effort and competence.

      • By successfully solving the final Quest challenge, after collecting Quest ‘clues’ at each Base

      • By completing the course in the allotted time

      • By earning bonus points as judged by the Team's Shadow (or losing them from penalties for behaviour or requiring navigational assistance etc.)

  • Scoring At Bases and Pass Cards:

      • Note that points earned at Bases are based on the relative position (rank) of each Team's performance at that Bases (not the absolute no. of points earned at the Base)

      • Team may play up to three Pass Cards to miss a Base

      • Teams playing a Pass Card for a given Bases will be awarded the average rank (and hence points attributable) for that Base

Closing of the Course

    • Complete Teams arriving at a Base just before midnight will be allowed to complete the activity.

    • Teams arriving at a Base after 00.00 midnight will not be allowed to start the Base exercise.

    • To complete the course and the Quest successfully, and to claim points for so doing, Teams must arrive back at their starting Base no later than 00.15, having visited every Base.

The Prizes

Certificates and Badges

  • Exclusive badges will be available to all those who take part in the hikes.