
The Heart of the Event - Fun, Adventurous and Creative Bases make for a Successful Quest


    • The Bases and the activities there are at the very heart of The Quest and we appreciate all the efforts that go into running these

    • Well-run, memorable activities are what the young people ultimately remember and running a Base can be fun and rewarding

    • The Organising Committee will give you as much support as we can

    • And remember that the walkers themselves get to vote for the illustrious Best Base Award!


Come up with an idea for your Base activity that is related to the annual Quest theme

      • The Base Manager Controller can provide you some examples of tried and tested activities for inspiration, which you can adapt and fine tune to the overall Quest theme

      • If you have an idea of your own you’d like to go with, please get your proposal agreed with the Base Manager Controller so we can avoid too much duplication

      • If you are new to this then please feel free to discuss with the Base Manager Controller

      • You should plan the activity so that each Team should be through your Base within 15 minutes, including checking-in, doing the activity, recording their score, obtaining the Quest clue and location of their next Base

      • Please note the importance of being able to score the activities appropriately – see later

Assemble the equipment that you will need with you on the Base

      • Equipment needed to run the activity itself

      • Consider a duplication of the activity – so anti-clockwise and clockwise teams can get through the base with minimal delays

      • Consider equipment and provisions for those running the bases: shelter, lighting, seating, altar fires, BBQs etc. are all common – make it pleasant for yourself!

      • Some Bases offer light snacks and hot drinks to the hikers, but that is not an expectation

      • Please have a First Aid Kit available

Ensure you recruit enough Base Helpers for the event and brief them on the activity and their role

It is often useful to visit the site of the Base beforehand to figure out how you are going to set up the activities

Once you are ready, please advise the Base Manager Controller of:

      • Two mobile numbers or more that you will use consistently on the Base

      • Names of adults on your Base who hold a current First Aid certificate

      • Confirmation you have sufficient helpers to cover the Base throughout the event.

      • Liaise with the Base Manager Controller to get details of your Base and parking location


      • On the day of The Quest, a member from each Base Team must check-in at Start HQ to collect packs which will contain

        • Any last minute instructions

        • Scoring sheets

        • Quest Clues (normally specific to each base) collected by the teams at each Base

      • At check-in, please advise of any late changes to personnel and contact numbers


      • On the day, only park in the designated area near to your Base

      • Minimise the number of vehicles as best you can - space is normally at a premium for most Bases and Shadows (up to 4 vehicles) have to park there, too

      • Please be ready to start by 15.30 latest


    • Each team will have a unique team number

    • Each Base will have two scorecards – one for teams who are walking clockwise around the course, another for those going anticlockwise

      1. Please record each team’s arrival time

      2. Once the team has completed your Base’s activity, please record the score on EACH of your Base’s scorecard AND the Shadow’s scorecard AND the team's scorecard – for cross-reference purposes

      3. If a team choses to pass through without completing the activity, please collect their Pass Card and record accordingly

      4. Advise the Team leader of the correct grid reference of their next Base (noting the direction they are travelling)

      5. Finally, please record each team’s departure time

    • A note regarding scoring the base activities

      1. What matters in terms of scoring is that teams can ultimately be ranked on their performance at a the base activity

      2. Teams earn point from each Base from their relative position at that Base

      3. Please consider a scoring system that enables plenty of breadth of scores, or a qualitative element that allows teams to have unique scores


    • Up to four Teams may arrive near simultaneously at your Base around 15.00

    • Don’t panic!

    • Two teams should check in and then start walking immediately (in different directions). Record their Team number and departure times – they should return some hours later to complete the activity at your Base

    • The other two teams should complete their first activity at your Base. Record them accordingly – they should also return some hours later for a final check-in and to register their completion


    • Walkers may only drop out at the Bases – nowhere else on the course

    • If a Team member wishes to retire at your Base, confirm this with their Shadow and then call the HQ Transport Number for collection


    • Bases are scheduled to close at midnight and Teams arriving after that cannot start an activity

    • No Team should leave your Base after 00.00 midnight, unless their return transport is at the next Base and their Shadow agrees

    • In ALL cases, you should call Event Control on the Transport to confirm you can stand down – note that there may still be hikers walking to your Base who left the previous Base just before 00.00 midnight

    • If in doubt, call Event Control

    • Once stood down, put out any fires, make good the area, and remove all equipment and litter.

    • Remember to deliver Scorecards back to the Finish HQ before finally going home!


    • In theory, all walkers will make it round the course in good time and there will be sufficient Shadow’s transport to get walkers back to the Finish HQ from their final Base

    • Please check with the Shadow’s of the last-arriving Team to see if they need any transportation you may be able to offer if necessary

Finally, thank you.